About Us
About Us

Briar Hill Community Centre (BHCC) is a non-profit corporation managed by a volunteer Board of Directors.
BHCC provides a friendly environment for the residents of Briar Hill to gather and socialize.
The BHCC also provides a calendar of weekly activities and social events such as exercise groups, cards, arts and crafts, discussion groups, etc.
Normally the BHCC asks for a donation of $1.00 per session that you join. An annual BHCC Supporter Card can be purchased at the office for $60.00 (pro-rated monthly) that waives the $1.00 fee per session. The annual card is valid from November 1st to October 31st. However, from now until October 31st 2024, these Activities Fees are being waived. (For more information on this, please click here.)
There are events such as the Concert Series, Dance Parties, Trivia Nights, and Giant Yard Sale. You will find notice of these posted in the Wednesday eNEWS, on the Website Calendar and posters in the BHCC. Most of the events will require a ticket purchase. All event costs must be covered by the participants and cannot be funded through the operating account of the BHCC corporation.
The Library and Lounge is available to all Briar Hill Residents. There is a great selection of books and we appreciate donations of books that have been published in the past four years, both soft and hard cover. You do not have to sign out books. There is also a selection of DVDs and jigsaw puzzles.
You can join a group to play pool, ping pong or darts in the Lower Level.
Private Events such as Phase meetings or resident celebrations. The policy describing the procedure for rental of rooms for private functions can be found on the BHCC website or at the office.