Bingo Night Mar 22

Bingo Night

Saturday March 22 at 2:00 pm in the Great Room

Register by Thursday March 20th

  • Cards $2 each, limit of 2 to start
  • Additional cards may be available
  • 6 games PLUS jackpot game
  • Bring your own refreshments
  • Bring small bills ($5’s, $10’s, loonies and toonies)

Register early! There may be a limit on attendees!  Register HERE!

💰 Share the Wealth 💰



Casino Bus Trip Mar 28

Casino Rama Bus Trip

You asked, so we’re doing it again!

Friday, Mar. 28, 2025  –  Bus leaves BHCC at 9:00 am

Leaves Rama at 3:00 pm (back at BHCC around 4:15 pm)

Cost is $10.00 per person (includes transportation, $5.00 voucher for casino play, light snack and beverage on the bus on the return trip and driver’s tip)

Please visit the BHCC office during regular business hours to register and pay prior to Mar. 20th (please bring correct cash)

Note: In order to board the bus, you must have government issued picture I.D. or a Players Card with you.

If you do not already have a Casino Rama players card, you must register for one upon arrival at the Casino and MUST use it for all play

while gambling.

Come join us for a day of fun!











Yard Sale Jun 21

BHCC Annual Yard Sale

The date is set so mark your calendars!

Saturday, June 21st

(rain date Sunday, June 22nd)


As in the past, we will have spaces to rent for those owners wishing to display and sell their own Good/Used Items or Crafts. Dates for renting spaces will be some time in mid to late May. Keep an eye on eNEWS for those dates and times.

What if you don’t want to have a table yourself? Not to worry – there will be a Donations Sale table(s) for those items you wish to donate. Proceeds from the Donations Table will go directly to the Operating Fund of our Community Centre.

So, get started on your Spring Cleaning and set aside any items that are still in good working condition. No clothing is accepted. All acceptable donations can be dropped off in the East Room on Friday, June 20th between 9 am and 12 noon.

Of course, this Yard Sale will only be successful with the support of our volunteers. If you can volunteer your time the weekend of June 20th to June 22nd, please e-mail:

Vicki McAloney – or

Beverly Matejicek –


Activity Sugggestions

Tai Chi?

We have heard from residents interested in adding Tai Chi as a regular activity at the center.

We are looking for instructors from our community who would like to lead Tai Chi sessions, as well as a volunteer to coordinate and help organize the program.

If you or someone you know is interested in teaching or assisting with this activity, please let us know. Send an email to:



NEW Book Club at the BHCC

Friday April 4th – 2 pm to 4 pm in the East Room

Renata Flor has kindly volunteered to coordinate a monthly book club at the BHCC.

If you enjoy reading and discussing books, this is a great opportunity to connect with other book lovers

Let us know if you plan to attend the first introductory meeting

Send an email to:





Activity Fees

Activity Fees and Supporter Cards waived

for the

Fiscal Year November 1st, 2024 to October 31st, 2025

The Operating Fund for BHCC was nearly depleted by the time the Community Centre was allowed to re-open after the COVID Pandemic. To assist in the recovery and continue to offer programs and events, residents were asked to contribute $1.00 per activity attended or purchase an annual Supporter Card for $60.00.

There are now sufficient funds in the Operating account to sustain the Centre for the next fiscal year. The Board of Directors voted unanimously to defer collection of Activity Fees for this coming year. This is a deferral only. We are cautiously optimistic that revenue generated from the concert series, social events, yard sale, golf league contributions, and other contributing events will sustain operations for the immediate future without the need to collect Activity Fees. A decision will be made next October, 2025. If revenues are sufficient and operations are adequately funded, the fees will continue to be waived. If not, the Activity Fees will be reinstated.

The Board of Directors thanks all of the residents who understood the need and cooperated in paying the fees.  A special thank you goes to the Activity Coordinators who collected the fees. Your efforts are appreciated.

We look forward to your continued participation in the many events and activities offered for your enjoyment at the Briar Hill Community Centre.


Your Board of Directors,




Learning Programs

Learning Programs

We have some interesting discussion groups to help your brain limber up after the pandemic. There are designated speakers but also a lot of questions and ideas and friendly discussions. Come out and join us!

Peer Learning Group (PLG)

The PLG returned October 1st for another season of ‘weekly’ discussions on topics of interest as presented by attendees on select Tuesdays, 9:00 am in the BHCC Lounge. Briar Hill residents and their guests are welcome. Meetings are 2 hours in a non-confrontational forum wherein a PLG’er presents a topic of general interest in the first portion of the meeting. A recess with refreshments is taken, then we conclude with a “Round Table” short presentation of a current topic.

See the eNews for the current topic!

There is a fee of $1 for refreshments.




Open Mike

Open Mic

Every other Tuesday starting Jan. 16th, 1 pm to 4 pm in the Lower Level
drop-in to listen or join the group.

We are calling all musicians, regardless of skill level, to join the group or an afternoon of friendly, non-aggressive  jamming, or solo playing with your instrument.

Craig is into “ Old Country Classics”, and “Light Rock Golden Oldies”.  Most of his music ranges from the 1950s to the 1970s, from Johnny Cash to the Beatles.

For those who would just like to listen, you are more than welcome to come over to the Lower Level, pull up a chair, relax and enjoy.

Any questions please contact Craig at 705 434 4742 or

Music Instruction

Every Wednesday starting January 10th, noon to 2 pm in the Lower Level. Pre-registration is required.  Contact Craig Bloom at 705 434 4742 or




Let’s Get Social

Calling All Singles

The BHCC Singles Social Club is for singles like you that want to live life to the fullest. What a fun way to meet new friends with Events & Adventures?

In this group, there’s no pressure, everyone relaxes, and you can be yourself. Our only motive here is good people, good places, and good fun.

Anyone wanting to join this dynamic group, please contact Mary McGee at or 705-435-2061. Please provide your name, address, email address, telephone # and advise if you are a snowbird.




The Art Gallery

The Art Gallery

The artist, David Green has graced the walls of the Briar Hill Community Centre. Next time you are at the centre, please check out his beautiful landscape paintings.




