From time to time BHCC requires services to maintain the Centre, i.e., repair furniture, paint walls, install shelving, etc. Generally larger requirements can be contracted out but for small miscellaneous items the Centre requires access to an “on call” or “handy man” service.
- Identification of services can be made by a Board Member, a Committee person and/or staff.
- Solicitation of service providers can be managed in two ways:
i. Individual requirements can be posted and/or advertised; or
ii. With Board approval, ‘on call’ services can be posted for a set period (i.e., one (1) year). - Posting for services must include the Briar Hill Community.
- Cost schedule for “set period” arrangements must be approved by the Board.
- Needs identification and service arrangements must demonstrate the proper separation of duties and authority i.e., committee members cannot sponsor and approve services.
- All requirements require the agreement of the Board of Directors unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors.
- Scope, estimated cost, and schedule are to be provided.
- All services are to be documented in the files of the BHCC i.e., Requirements, Service Approval, Completion Check, Payment.
- Contractors performing repair and maintenance services must have WSIB insurance. A WSIB certificate must be produced before work starts and will be kept on file in the Office.