1. Definitions
    1. Assistive Device: A device used to assist persons with disabilities access to the ​ Centre and taking part in Activities and Events.
    2. Disability: Shall mean the same as the definition of a disability found in the  Ontario Human Rights Code.
    3. Service Animal: Any animal which is used by the person for reasons relating to​ his or her disability.
    4. Support Persons: A paid professional, volunteer, family member or friend who​ accompanies a person with a disability in order to assist them with​ communications, personal care, medical needs and access to the Centre.
  2. The BHCC is committed to providing accessibility of the BHCC facilities and​ programs to all persons (residents and guests). This policy applies to all individuals who provide services, sponsor, assist and/or coordinate all BHCC​ Activities and Events as well as any person(s) who use and book the facilities.
    1. Persons with disabilities are to be integrated in the community in Activities and​ Events.
    2. The disabled person shall be accompanied by a Support Person where it is​ necessary to protect the health and safety of the person with a disability or the​ health and safety of others.
    3. The disabled person is allowed the use of assistive devices, service animals,​ support persons and notice of temporary disruptions to the Centre.
    4. The Board will provide notice to persons with disabilities with regard to​ disruptions in the use of the Centre by posting information in visible places​ such as the entrance doors and in its communications (i.e., eNEWS) and by​ any other method that may be reasonable.
    5. The Board will use reasonable efforts to ensure that its policies and practices​ are followed and persons with disabilities are treated with respect and dignity.
    6. When communicating with persons with a disability, the Board and staff will do​ so in a manner that takes into account the person’s abilities.

Assistive​ Devices

Persons with disabilities shall be permitted to use the Centre with their​ own assistive devices. Exceptions may occur in situations where the Centre​ has determined that the assistive device may pose a risk to the health and​ safety of another individual. It should be noted that it is the responsibility of the​ person with a disability to ensure that his or her assistive device is operated in​ a safe and controlled manner at all times.

Service Animals

Service animals such as (but not limited to) Guide dogs,​ Hearing dogs, Seizure Response dogs and other certified service animals shall​ be permitted entry. Service animals are required to be leashed and properly​ controlled.

Service animals are not permitted in areas where food is being prepared.

Persons with a service animal that is unruly or disruptive (e.g., barking) may be​ asked to remove the animal from the Centre.