CareFirst Exercise
CareFirst Exercise
Tuesday and Thursday / 9:15 – 10:15 am / Great Room BHCC
Co-ordinator: Patty Miller
Instructor: Sonia
Goal: To develop core strength, balance, flexibility and heart health through moderate to vigorous sitting and standing exercises that include a warm-up, stretching, repetitions with rest periods, cardio, weights and cool down.
Skill Level: All levels
Sponsored by the Ontario Government CareFirst Program
1) Please bring your own personal weights if desired (optional).
2) Please bring your own sanitizing wipes if you wish to wipe the chairs before and after use, prior to stacking.
3) Clean dry shoes are mandatory when entering the BHCC for all functions.
4) Bringing your own water is recommended.
5) Please sign in as you arrive.
6) All guests must be signed in by a member.
Enrollment forms are required for new participants only and can be picked up at the BHCC office
Monday to Thursday – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
For more information, please contact Patty Miller