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The schedule time was – Wednesday / 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – East Room
Coordinator – John Doe
Email: john.doe@gmail.com
Our Reason for Being / Our Purpose
The Briar Hill Community Socrates Discussion Group is an opportunity for community residents and visitors to have thoughtful, stimulating discussions with an interesting group of people within the community.
It’s an opportunity to be exposed to new ideas, hear other people’s thoughts about a subject and learn from them by being curious and asking questions. More often than not we leave without a solution but we do leave with a better understanding of the topic.
The discussions force us to consider other options and stimulate our own thinking about a topic. Many times the discussions clarify our own views and give us insights to possible solutions.
Throughout the meeting we work to respect others’ views, hear different viewpoints and stay open to variant perspectives.
The topics chosen for discussions come from the participants and are interesting, timely and philosophical.
Anyone interested in participating, please contact John Doe.