Yard Sale Jun 21
BHCC Annual Yard Sale
The date is set so mark your calendars!
Saturday, June 21st
(rain date Sunday, June 22nd)
As in the past, we will have spaces to rent for those owners wishing to display and sell their own Good/Used Items or Crafts. Dates for renting spaces will be some time in mid to late May. Keep an eye on eNEWS for those dates and times.
What if you don’t want to have a table yourself? Not to worry – there will be a Donations Sale table(s) for those items you wish to donate. Proceeds from the Donations Table will go directly to the Operating Fund of our Community Centre.
So, get started on your Spring Cleaning and set aside any items that are still in good working condition. No clothing is accepted. All acceptable donations can be dropped off in the East Room on Friday, June 20th between 9 am and 12 noon.
Of course, this Yard Sale will only be successful with the support of our volunteers. If you can volunteer your time the weekend of June 20th to June 22nd, please e-mail:
Vicki McAloney – vicki_mcaloney@yahoo.ca or
Beverly Matejicek – bmatejicek@hotmail.com